A pretty a day
(and every fades)
is here and away
(but born are maids
to flower an hour
in all,all)
O yes to flower
until so blithe
a doer a wooer
some limber and lithe
some very fine mower
a tall;tall
Some jerry so very
(and nellie and fan)
some handsomest harry
(and sally and nan
they tremble and cower
so pale:pale)
For betty was born
to never say nay
but lucy could learn
and lily could pray
and fewer were shyer
than doll. doll
Written by: E. E. Cummings.
"POD HEAD NIMPH".....Created by Amy Maisel....CLass and Design by LISA RENNER ....Mixed Media Art Doll
This was my first year at Art Unravelled...I guess this was my first year for taking any classes (outside of college classes of course)! I really wanted to experience what all my favorite artist bloggers were talking about!!! I have lived in Arizona for 3 years now and regret I did not come until now! I had an amazing time and wish I could have taken more classes!!! Well, the class I did take was called "Pod Heads"....which spoke to me because of the mixed media with natural elements!!!! I also really wanted to try my hand at Encaustic wax (which now I am addicted)!!!! Anyway, I loved the instructor Lisa Renner and she is an amazing artist and sweet soul!!!! I hope I can take a class from her in the future!!! The piece I made turned out really cool and I love her!!! I created these really cool wings out of Wax, Wire and Tissue Paper!!!! L.O.V.E.