Ricë Freeman-Zachery...Author of "Creative Time and Space" and "The Creative Life" (AND I must point out that this woman has just as colorful of a soul as she does her hair and clothing!!!...Just by the way she walks through a room!!!
See her here: http://voodoonotes.blogspot.com/
I also met Eric Scott and David Modler....Authors of "The Journal Junkies Workshop"...Which I bought and they Signed....They were cool Guys!!! Find them here: http://www.journalfodderjunkies.blogspot.com/
I met Lisa Loria....Who I bought all those beautiful vintage earings from...WHich I cannot wait to make some wonderful mixed media pieces!!! Lisa is a fantastic Mixed Media artist...she uses amazing vintage finds in her work...check her out here: http://lisaloria.blogspot.com/
I met so many others...but cannot name them all!!! I had a blast though...such a wonderful experience!!!